Episode 152 - Accountability and Discipline: The Duo For Success in 2024


Before kicking off the new year, we highly encourage you to reflect on this year’s progress, experiences, highs and lows. We did an episode last year, December 2022, called “How To Reflect on Your Goals” if you want to listen as we share our progress for going through your year from a balanced and wellness minded lens.

Goals are way more fun with friends so we’re here to encourage you to find accountability buddies, be realistic about where you are, set aligned goals, create systems that will allow you achieve your dreams and how to change your mindset. It’s easy to make excuses that the reason other people are achieving their dreams and you aren’t is because they have certain resources, money and genetics that you don’t. Yes we all start from different places but if you keep making excuses, you’re going to continue being stuck.

We talk about finding the balance between having discipline for the hard stuff while also giving yourself grace and allowing for rest along the way so that in the long run you create sustainable healthy habits and don’t get burned out. 

“Discipline is the bridge between your reality and your dream life.” 

In January, we will be hosting a virtual goal setting workshop every Sunday in our Patreon group ($5/month). We recommend using the next few weeks to hone in on your goals and the why behind them, then you can share with the group!


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Join our Patreon Page for January Virtual Calls


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Episode 153 - Our Year in Review: 2023 Recap + What’s To Come in 2024


Episode 151 - Beginner’s Guide to Yoga and How It Can Transform Your Life