Episode 164 - How Being A Lifelong Learner Will Lead To Continuous Growth In All Areas


Continuing our 8 Dimensions of Wellness Series, Allison and Ceara share their perspective on Intellectual Wellness and discuss the importance of being lifelong learners, as it helps benefit all the other areas of your life. 

Everyone you meet, every trip you take, every job you do, friend you make, relationship you devote to and hobby you try has something to teach you. We also believe that learning is more enjoyable when you're living an aligned life because you're naturally going to want to learn more about things you care about.


  • Intellectual wellness is essential for personal growth and can serve as a foundation for other dimensions of wellness. Take ownership of your future by identifying the skills and knowledge you want to acquire and seeking out resources to learn them.

  • Develop time management skills to make time for learning and avoid mindless scrolling on social media.

  • Nurture your passions and explore topics that genuinely interest you to make learning more enjoyable.

  • Access free information on the internet through books, articles, videos, and online courses.

  • Learn from mentors, whether through formal mentorship programs or by seeking guidance from experienced individuals in your field.

  • Explore local museums and libraries for opportunities to learn and expand your knowledge.

  • Engage in info swapping with friends, setting aside dedicated time to learn from each other's expertise and experiences.


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Our Episode: Getting Out of A Reading Slump

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Episode 165 - Making Friends in a New City + Social Wellness with Lindsay Hornecker


Episode 163 - Radical Self-Acceptance, Feminine Energy, and Soul Work with Emma Marschall