Episode 166 - Mental Health, Mood Disorders and Medicine with Hannah Heidel / @nourisheddgirl


Continuing with our 8 dimensions of wellness series, we are joined by Hannah Heidel, who is a master's student of holistic nutrition science.


She goes by the social media handle @ nourisheddgirl where she shares a variety of wellness content of her journey and conscious lifestyle. You’ll find vulnerable and heart-centered videos featuring her routines, grocery shopping, recipes, self-care activities, her experience with anxiety and opening up about the reality of her healing process.


  • Authenticity is key on social media. Being true to yourself and sharing both the good and the bad can create a safe space for others.

  • Prioritizing mental health is essential. It's important to listen to your body, set boundaries, and make choices that support your well-being.

  • Comparison on social media can be toxic. Being mindful of who you follow and how it makes you feel is crucial for maintaining a positive mental state.

  • Saying no is necessary for self-care. It's important to prioritize your own needs and not feel guilty about setting boundaries.

  • Reconnecting with hobbies and engaging in inner child healing can bring joy and help in the healing process.


Hannah’s Instagram

Hannah’s TikTok


00:00 - Introduction and Background

01:05 - Passion for Holistic Nutrition

03:07 - Early Experience with Anxiety and Interest in Health

04:20 - Definition of Mental Health

05:06 - Importance of Trusting Yourself and Listening to Your Body

05:33 - Causes of Stress and Anxiety

06:36 - Pressure to Do It All

07:17 - Dealing with Social Media Comparison

08:15 - Authenticity on Social Media

09:08 - Overcoming Fear and Pressure in Wellness

09:31 - Importance of Mental Health and Mindset

10:46 - The Duality of Social Media

11:25 - Learning to Say No and Prioritize Mental Health

12:22 - Making Hard Choices for Mental Health

13:12 - Realizing the Need to Move Home

14:11 - Appreciating Time Alone and Grounding in a Small Town

18:16 - Coping in Healthier Ways

19:25 - Saying No and Prioritizing Yourself

20:16 - The Guilt of Saying No

25:33 - Creating Boundaries with Social Media

26:23 - Disconnecting from Social Media

29:06 - Being Selective with Social Media Connections

31:10 - Showing Up for Yourself and Finding New Ways to Stay Busy

32:14 - Reconnecting with Hobbies and Inner Child Healing

37:09 - Going Through the Thick of Mental Health

43:40 - The Duality of Holistic Wellness and Western Medicine

46:03 - Choosing Your Hard and Seeking Help

48:38 - Importance of Real-Life Connections

52:54 - Being Both Struggling and Thriving

53:38 - What Makes a Good Friend

54:20 - Supporting and Following Hannah



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