Episode 171 - WWYBD?! Tough Love On Victim Mentality, Relocating Across The World and Growing Apart From Friends


It’s the last Friday of the month, so you know what that means - a new WWYBD?! episode, where we answer listener submitted questions. Listeners can submit questions any time via our website, and then we pull questions to fit a specific theme.

The girls give a proper catch up. Allison shares surprising (or is it not surprising at all?) updates about her extended time in Colombia! Ceara is planning her upcoming trip to New York for a fun wedding-related partnership.


  • Tips on how to stop having a victim mentality?

  • I hate my job and want to move to Hawaii. None of my friends will move with me. Is it too risky to move alone? I think it’s badass.

  • I just found out one of my best friends from uni has moved to a new country without telling me - I know we drifted apart after uni, but I would have liked to say goodbye... 

  • My fiancé’s friend group has been leaving us off invites to events the last few months. I woke up this morning, saw all their stories, started crying about it and I feel like such a loser. It just hurts to feel like this and be in a literal group chat with them when they’re super mean. What should I do?


  • Solo travel can be a rejuvenating and transformative experience

  • Reconstructing and repurposing wedding dresses can give them new life and purpose

  • Supporting friends in their creative endeavors can lead to great success

  • Starting a new team or joining a new activity can be a fun and rewarding experience

  • Finding a long-term place to live in a new location can enhance the overall experience To overcome a victim mentality, focus on gratitude, take accountability, and find purpose.

  • When considering moving alone to a new country, take the leap and explore new opportunities, while also considering practical aspects like accommodations and networking.

  • If excluded by a friend group, seek clarity, have open conversations, and set boundaries. Maintain individual friendships and don't rely solely on couple friendships.


Megan Foutch’s Brand - Fait Par Foutch 

Episode #11 with Megan from 2021 - Listen Here

Ceara’s Dress Designer Friend: Lovell Faye 

Lovell Faye Bridal on Instagram and Inquiry Form



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Episode 172 - OPINIONATED AF: Asking for Favors, Being Single by Choice  and Losing a Friend Over a Bracelet


Episode 170 - BTS of A Celebrity Social Media Manager Julia Broome